Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.


Event Date 01-31-2017 8:00 am
Event End Date 01-31-2017 4:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free

Please login to register for this event

2017 Professional Standards 101

New for this year!

We are adding an Extra Section to the Summit this year. Following the conclusion of the formal agenda on October 4th, we are offering "Professional Standards 101".  This class will be led by Jeff Elrod of United Airlines. A graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Jeff is a 21 year Dispatcher at United Airlines, holding both domestic and international qualifications. As a full time UAL Dispatch Instructor with a long resume of Special Project Training Development, and having chaired the PAFCA/UAL Dispatch Professional Standards Committee for more than 10 years, Jeff is uniquely qualified to lead this class. We are truly fortunate to have him share his passion and expertise.

It is important to note that Jeff is a part of the PAFCA Professional Standards Committee. It is chaired and run by Association Members via a charter in PAFCA's CBA.

If you are standing up a Professional Standards Committee, need a refresher, or are just curious to learn more about the concept, this class is for you. The class will run 13:00-16:00 on October 4th immediately following the conclusion of Summit at the DoubleTree-Love Field. This session will require a registration separate from the Summit registration.

There is no charge for the event and lunch will be provided.

Please register below for "Professional Standards 101". If you were unable to secure a Summit registration prior to the wait list, you are welcome to join us all day on the 4th. Please indicate on your Professional Standards registration that you will be joining us for the morning session as well. If you have a confirmed Summit registration, please indicate that you will be staying for the Extra Section. Please direct any questions to

We are very excited to offer this added ADF benefit!

Event Date 10-04-2017 1:00 pm
Event End Date 10-04-2017 4:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Cut off date 10-04-2017
Individual Price Free

We are no longer accepting registration for this event