Airline Dispatch Federation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 01/01/2024
2020 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20006
Washington DC: Today the ADF is announcing a leadership change
ADF would like to say a BIG thank you to Catherine Jackson (Southwest Airliines) for all her years of service as president. Catherine has been a great leader, and mentor for the dispatch organization. This is not goodbye, but we will see you around at our meetings.
We would like to welcome Jared Micou (Delta Air Lines) as our new president. Jared is a perfect fit for our organization, and will lead the way for the next era of dispatchers and beyond.
Please view the video below, and messages from each of them.

Catherine and Jared Transition Video <---- Click Link to view video
Outgoing President - Catherine Jackson:
Greetings friends,
As my time on this Board comes to a close, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for allowing me to serve the dispatch profession and the ADF Membership for the last 20 years, including the last six as this organization’s president. I am proud of the work we have accomplished and excited for the future under the leadership of Jared Micou. I have committed to provide whatever support and experience necessary to ensure a seamless transition and make certain no effort or momentum is lost as Jared takes the helm.
I am indebted to this organization and the people who have worked selflessly and tirelessly to protect and promote our profession for the last 33 years. Words cannot express my sincere appreciation for those who have come before us and the Board Members, Delegates, Labor Partners, and Volunteers I have had the pleasure to serve with. You have stepped up in admiral fashion to meet every challenge and I am eternally grateful for your effort and support.
There will be challenges ahead but challenge brings opportunity. We are often asked if we believe this profession will go away. I imagine the first dispatch office to plug in a computer may have asked the same question. And like it did when that first computer came, the job will change. There are new technologies, new operators, and new operations just around the corner. And as we do so well, we will embrace, respond, adapt, and evolve with those changes. But nothing can be taken for granted, this change will not happen on its own. We will have to continue to step up to the plate, to be involved, to remain part of the discussion and to maintain our place at the table. These are no simple tasks. They will require passion and dedicated effort and they will require your participation. To the hundreds of Dispatchers who have been hired in the last several years, I encourage you to get involved. Take an active role to make sure this continues to be the greatest job in aviation. I have every confidence I am leaving this group in good hands and am certain the next generation of leaders will excel in moving our profession into the future.
Thanks for all you do. May the New Year be healthy, happy and prosperous for you and your families and my very best wishes for a successful future for this distinguished organization and our vital profession.
With deep gratitude and fond appreciation,
My fellow dispatchers,
My name is Jared Micou. I’m with Delta Air Lines and I’m honored to be taking over as the President of Airline Dispatchers Federation. First off, let me take the opportunity to thank Catherine Jackson for serving this organization for the last 6 years as the past president and her tireless contributions for years prior to her becoming the President. Catherine’s leadership of the organization, advocacy of our profession and her mentorship to me personally over the last few years is something I will always be grateful for. When Catherine first planted the seed of me succeeding her as President a couple years ago, my initial answer wasn’t just “no” but there may or may not have been a four letter word or two that preceded the “no”. Catherine enlisted the help of a few other people to continually plant and water that seed. Over time, as I became more involved with ADF as the delegate for Delta, my stance shifted slowly but surely.
A quick introduction of myself: I’ve been in the airline industry for about 14 years, 11 of which have been with Delta, and the last 8 years within Flight Control. I’m an airline brat. I’ve been around airplanes since I was about 5 years old. My mom was an above wing customer service agent for a few different carriers/ground handlers and retired from Delta Global Services aka DGS in 2014. My high school in the DTW area was based around aviation, primarily around A&P mechanics, and I graduated with my private pilot license. I was able to legally fly an airplane by myself before I could legally drive a car by myself. I started my career with Regional Elite Airline Services working below wing in DTW. I quickly moved into the Tower Operations side of the house where I realized where my passion really was. I was promoted into a leadership role until the company closed its doors in late 2012. I was able to get on with Delta in a leadership role, remaining in the Tower Operations department. Shortly thereafter, a coworker mentioned they thought I should look into getting my dispatch certificate. I took their advice and the rest, as they say, is history.
Thank you to those who were able to join us in IAD for the 2023 ADF Summit. Planning is underway for the 2024 Summit and we hope to have details finalized soon so you can save the date for later this year. Our next quarterly business meeting is scheduled for January 29 in TPA. You can find the events and meetings ADF is participating in, along with our business meetings on our calendar on the website.
The future of our profession is bright. Aircraft dispatchers have never been in more demand than they are now. Airlines are planning to continue the marathon hiring that started in 2021 as the travel demand picked back up. Hundreds of dispatchers will be hired in the next couple years industry wide. Now is the time for us to continue to foster relationships with our industry partners and ensure we have a seat at the table when industry discussions are being had about the future of aviation. If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any ADF board member (our contact information can be found on the website) and/or your delegate and we will find something to get you involved in. Speaking of the ADF Board and delegates, please take the time to get to know a little bit about them within this newsletter.
Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to lead this organization. I’m thankful to be here and I’m looking forward to the challenges ahead. My goal is simple: I want to leave this organization and this profession in better shape than I found it. I welcome your suggestions, questions, comments, concerns and/or feedback any time.
Stay safe,
Jared Micou
ADF President
About ADF:
The Airline Dispatchers Federation represents the professional interests of the dispatch profession. ADF's constituency is comprised of licensed aircraft dispatchers and operational control professionals from aerospace companies, regional and cargo carriers and every major U.S. airline. ADF's membership as of January 2023 stood at 2,416 members. The vast majority of airline passengers traveling each day in the United States, do so under the watchful eye of ADF members.
The ADF is an all volunteer organization (all working dispatchers) and in accordance with our bylaws is an advocacy organization for working dispatchers and not a labor organization.