Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

December 09 VOR Quiz

VOR Quiz

December 2009 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

photo courtesy of Jerry Bunch 



click on image to enlarge

  1. This navaid is named after a nearby small town. The town is not named after him, but part of its name is that of a famous composer.The composer is Bach.

  2. The closest airport to it, 14 nautical miles away, is a grass strip, named after the county where it is located.Greeley is the name of the airport and county.

  3. That county is named in honor of a newspaper publisher who is credited (whether he originated this phrase or not is disputed) with giving advice that contributed to the expansion of the United States.It's named after Horace Greeley, of the New York Tribune, who said "Go West, Young Man")


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This month's winners:


Wolbach, NE (OBH)

Ed Pataky - ExpressJet

Chris Dau - Aloha Air Cago

John Fletcher - American Eagle

Joe Stepansky - 

Jim Schramm - Northwest Airlines

Bill Allen - UPS

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