Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

September VOR Quiz 09

VOR Quiz

September 2009 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

photos courtesy of Nancy Zeglen 



click on image to enlarge

click on image to enlarge

  1. This month's navaid is named after a radio pioneer. In fact, so is the nearby beach. Nearby is the site of an historic radio transmission.

  2. The navaid is part of an Arrival Procedure to a major U.S. airport.

  3. It's also mentioned by the group Jefferson Starship in one of their songs!


Send your answers to:

This month's winners:

answer: Marconi (LFV)

Bill Allen - UPS

Walter Wilson -

Victor Young -  

Kyle Rugg - Continental

Ed Pataky - Expressjet

Ed Figuli - Private Pilot

Mark Christopher - Air Canada Jazz

Courtney Chick - Porter Airlines

Roland Mahaffey - FedEx

Chris Dau - Aloha Air Cargo

Joe Stepansky -

Michael Ferraro - Southwest

Jim Schramm - Northwest Airlines

Previous Quizes

August 2009

June 2009

May 2009

April 2009

March 2009

February 2009

January 2009

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October 2008

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May 2008