This navaid is located at an airport in the U.S.A. which had
airline service a long time ago.
It's about 50 miles away from an international airport.
airline service a long time ago.
It's about 50 miles away from an international airport.
The town/airport/navaid is named after the Pioneer who blazed a trail through the area in the 1700s.
The first name of a famous early 20th Century adventure writer from the city honors that Pioneer, who was his maternal great grandfather.
The city is located on a river canal, and displays a preserved lock.
There also is a distinctive type of bridge over the confluence of two rivers, one of the few of its type in the U.S.
There also is a distinctive type of bridge over the confluence of two rivers, one of the few of its type in the U.S.
This quiz will be "easy" for some!
photo by Charlie Pyles/Air Pix Aviation Photos

Email your answers to
This month's winners:
Ed Pataky
James Hanson
Dale Gentry - Southwest
Adam Schweber - United Airlines
Mark Nashed - National Airlines
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines
Thanks for participating! Page down for the correct answer.
the answer is Zanesville (ZZV), Ohio

Email your answers to
This month's winners:
Ed Pataky
James Hanson
Dale Gentry - Southwest
Adam Schweber - United Airlines
Mark Nashed - National Airlines
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines
Thanks for participating! Page down for the correct answer.
the answer is Zanesville (ZZV), Ohio