- This navaid is located in the United States, on land managed by a group,
rather than by the state in which it is located. It’s named after that group. - It’s located near a town of the same name, but that town is in a different state.
- The nearest airport, in an adjoining town, has the same identifier as the navaid.
- If you went to the town where that airport is located, six decades ago,you could have had a Bad Day.
Photo by Hiroshi Ando
Email: vor@dispatcher.org with your guess!

This Month's Winners:
Dale Gentry - Southwest
Ed Pataky
Adam Gutterman
Warren Andrews
Mark Christopher - Air Canada Jazz
Arthur Carson
Laura Laster
Trevor Fuhriman - Empire Airlines
Adam Schweber - Empire Airlines
Brian Brown - Southwest
Steven Mercer - Empire Airlines
Dale Gentry - Southwest
Ed Pataky
Adam Gutterman
Warren Andrews
Mark Christopher - Air Canada Jazz
Arthur Carson
Laura Laster
Trevor Fuhriman - Empire Airlines
Adam Schweber - Empire Airlines
Brian Brown - Southwest
Steven Mercer - Empire Airlines