Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

This month's navaid is in the United States.
It's at an airport that no longer has airline service, and shares the same identifier. 

It's named after the city that the airport serves. 

Thankfully, airline service is returning here in 2023.

The first permanent European settler in this area was a
Pioneer from Quebec; the city was named after him.

There was no glaciation here.

Dec 2022

Email your answer to

Page down to see the answer.

Correct answerers:

Tom Norwood
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Marvin Hood - United Airlines
Ed Pataky
Ed McCoy - United Airlines
Chuck Mann
Dan Dziedzic
Patrick Malejana - United Airlines
Mary Nixon - Horizon Air
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines

The answer is Dubuque (DBQ) Iowa

photo by Alex Garcia