This navaid is in the United States.
It's named after a nearby small town.
It's named after a nearby small town.
That town was not named after its agricultural quality,
but a person who established the community.
but a person who established the community.
There is airline service to an airport located across the water.

Email your answer to:
correct answers from:
Tucker Sullivan - Everts Air Cargo
David Birkley
James Hanson
Keith Fisher - United Airlines
Kuvat Baygeldiyev - United Airlines
John Barry
Richard L. Fellie - Air Transport International
Alexander Johnson
Dillon Hockett - Southwest Airlines
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
page down for the answer:
the answer is Fairfield, Utah (FFU)
correct answers from:
Tucker Sullivan - Everts Air Cargo
David Birkley
James Hanson
Keith Fisher - United Airlines
Kuvat Baygeldiyev - United Airlines
John Barry
Richard L. Fellie - Air Transport International
Alexander Johnson
Dillon Hockett - Southwest Airlines
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
page down for the answer:
the answer is Fairfield, Utah (FFU)