This Navaid is located in the United States.
It's a low altitude VOR, serving (and sharing the same three-letter ID as) a nearby city's regional airport.
That airport had airline service into the 1980s, but now is best known as a Joint Use airport with an Air National Guard base, flying transport aircraft.
Several movies were filmed at the local prison.
Car accidents were also filmed there.

Email your answer to:
correct answerers:
Tom Norwood
Adam Schweber
Marvin B. Hood
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Jerry Penttila - United AIrlines
Robert Den Besten - United Airlines
see below for the answer:
the answer is Mansfield, Ohio (MFD). Thanks for participating!
correct answerers:
Tom Norwood
Adam Schweber
Marvin B. Hood
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Jerry Penttila - United AIrlines
Robert Den Besten - United Airlines
see below for the answer:
the answer is Mansfield, Ohio (MFD). Thanks for participating!