Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

This navaid is in the United States, near a national park.
The airport, while named after the adjacent city and park, is located in a smaller city, which itself is named after a southeastern European capital city. 

"An interstate runs through it"

Photo by Bret Proden

See below for the answer!

march 2017 vor

email: with your guess!

This month's winners:
1.  James Binder - United Airlines
2.  Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
3.  Adam Gutterman
4.  Ed Pataky
5. Adam Schweber - Empire Airlines
6.  Dave Birkley
7. Art Carson - Miami Dade College School of Aviation
8.  Timothy Smith - Southwest Airlines 
9. Lindsay Rothman - SWA
10.  Steven Mercer - Empire Airlines

ANSWER: Bozeman (BZN)