This Navaid is located in the United States, at a former U.S. Air Force base.
It’s named after the nearby unincorporated community, which had been a city until it burned to the ground in 1911.
A river passing through the area, draining into a large lake, shares the same name as the VOR.
The airport, which has a different name and identifier, is used as maintenance facility for an airline.

Photo by Hiroshi Ando
Answer: scroll down!
Correct answers:
It’s named after the nearby unincorporated community, which had been a city until it burned to the ground in 1911.
A river passing through the area, draining into a large lake, shares the same name as the VOR.
The airport, which has a different name and identifier, is used as maintenance facility for an airline.

Photo by Hiroshi Ando
Answer: scroll down!
Correct answers:
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines
Brian Brown
Adam Schweber - Frontier Airlines
ASP (Au Sable)
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines
Brian Brown
Adam Schweber - Frontier Airlines
ASP (Au Sable)