This VOR is located in the United States.
It is at an airport with no commercial service.
It does not have a similar identifier as the airport but does have the same name.
There were 2 significant disasters nearby where many perished. One was natural, the other was man made.
There are some geometric gardens in the area.
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correct answers:
Marvin Hood - United Airlines
Jesse Butcher - Delta Air Lines
Alexander Johnson - Southwest Airlines
Dillon Hockett - Southwest Airlines
It is at an airport with no commercial service.
It does not have a similar identifier as the airport but does have the same name.
There were 2 significant disasters nearby where many perished. One was natural, the other was man made.
There are some geometric gardens in the area.
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correct answers:
Marvin Hood - United Airlines
Jesse Butcher - Delta Air Lines
Alexander Johnson - Southwest Airlines
Dillon Hockett - Southwest Airlines