This Navaid is located in the United States.
It’s a low altitude VOR, not an an airport, near a large man-made lake, which started as a hydroelectric project, and became a very popular vacation destination.
The VOR’s name references a meteorological condition that one expects on vacation.
A crime drama television series is set in this area, and named after it.

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A crime drama television series is set in this area, and named after it.

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correct answers:
Marvin Hood - United Airlines
Tom Norwood
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Keith Fisher - United Airlines
John Barry
the answer is Sunshine (SHY), near Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.
correct answers:
Marvin Hood - United Airlines
Tom Norwood
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Keith Fisher - United Airlines
John Barry
the answer is Sunshine (SHY), near Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.