Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

Apply Now

To apply for a scholarship, please click the email link below, and answer all related questions. 

Prior to applying, be sure that you have read and understood the "Eligibity" section of this website.

  1. Which scholarship(s) you're applying for. You may apply for multiple scholarships.
  2. Contact Information (Name, Phone Number, Email)
  3. Resume
  4. A Descriptive Essay that Addresses:
    • Why do you want to become an Aircraft Dispatcher?
    • How will this scholarship impact your short and long term career goals?
    • Any volunteer work (past or present) in which you may be involved?
    • Any involvement in aviation activities, outside of employment, in which you may participate (or have previously participated in)?
     5. All applicants must be a member of ADF. You can be a student member.
 Please send applications to :

Contact ADF Scholarship Committee  with applications and any additional questions.