Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

VOR Quizzes

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VOR Quiz

September 2011 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

Photo by: Dave Birkley



click on image to enlarge

  1. This month's VOR has the same name as the city that the airport serves.

  2. The city was named after its founder.

  3. The downtown area was featured in a Robert Redford film.

  4. The picture above was not taken at High Noon.


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This month's winners:

Chris Dau - Aloha Air Cargo

Nancy Zeglen - United Airlines

Timothy Smith - Airtran Airways

Patrick Boyle - Continental Airlines

Andy Ryan - National Airlines

David Huntington -

answer: Bozeman, Mt (BZN)


Previous Quizes

August 2011

July 2011

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

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August 2010

July 2010

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VOR Quiz

August 2011 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

Photo by: Dave Birkley



click on image to enlarge

  1. This navaid is at an airport in the United States.

  2. The city this airport serves has the same name as the nickname for an island in the Caribbean.

  3. One resident of the city is highly effective, another is a Strip performer.


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This month's winners:

answer: Provo (PVU), Ut

Joe Stepansky -
Daniel Moses - ZBW
Walter Wilson -

Previous Quizes

July 2011

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

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May 2008


VOR Quiz

June 2011 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

photo by: Ziggy




click on image to enlarge

  1. This Navaid is on an Arrival Procedure to a major U.S. hub airport.

  2. The name of the Arrival Procedure is the same as the name of an airport that used to be popular as a transatlantic fuel stop.

  3. The name of the Navaid has a right winger connection.


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This month's winners:

answer: Kessel (ESL)

 Timothy Smith - AirTran Airways

James Dees -

Joe Stepansky -

Tom Scholl - 

Rich Martin - Air Wisconsin

Previous Quizes

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

Feburary 2010

January 2010

December 2009

November 2009

October 2009

September 2009

August 2009

June 2009

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April 2009

March 2009

February 2009

January 2009

December 2008

November 2008

October 2008

September 2008

August 2008

June 2008  

May 2008


VOR Quiz

July 2011 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

Ground Photos and Clues by: Victor Young

Aerial Photo and clues by: Phil Brooks




click on images to enlarge

  1. This navaid is located 5.9 nm north of the airport that shares its identifier. That airport plays a part in the history of ExpressJet.

  2. It's named after a nearby city. That city is named after the first name of an early settler, who donated part of the land for the town.

  3. It is close to a state and time zone border.

  4. The county it is located in is named after a river and color.


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This month's winners:

answer: Danville (DNV), Il

Chris Dau - Aloha Air Cargo 

Timothy Smith - AirTran Airways

Joe Stepansky -

Daniel Moses - ZBW

Previous Quizes

June 2011

May 2011

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

Feburary 2010

January 2010

December 2009

November 2009

October 2009

September 2009

August 2009

June 2009

May 2009

April 2009

March 2009

February 2009

January 2009

December 2008

November 2008

October 2008

September 2008

August 2008

June 2008  

May 2008


VOR Quiz

May 2011 VOR Trivia Quiz 

Contest submitted by: Phil Brooks

photos and clues by: Victor Young




click on image to enlarge

  1. This navaid is a low altitude VOR.

  2. It's named after a nearby airport and city

  3. Its name is derived from Latin, and means "a place of important commerce"

  4. A US Congressman from this city sponsored the bill to rename one of our federal holidays and it was the first city to observe this newly named holiday.

  5. One of college basketball's most successful coaches, responsible for coaching many of the NBA's superstars, is retired and lives here.


Send your answers to:

This month's winners:

answer: Emporia, Kansas (EMP)

 Bill Allen - UPS

Joe Stepansky -

Tom Scholl -

James Dees -

Previous Quizes

April 2011

March 2011

February 2011

January 2011

December 2010

November 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

Feburary 2010

January 2010

December 2009

November 2009

October 2009

September 2009

August 2009

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May 2008