Airline Dispatchers Federation.
Representing the professional interests of the Aircraft Dispatcher.

VOR Quizzes

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This navaid is located outside the U.S.

It's at the airport in the principal city in this country. 

That city was once the country's capital, but the seat of government was moved to a more
central location after  two countries were joined together to form one, in the 1960s.

The airport is named after the country's long-running President.

This country is the source of a purple gemstone.

photo by Jonathan Uhrig

May 2021

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This month's winners:

James Hanson - Cape Air
Marvin Hood- United Airlines
Ed Pataky
Doctor Voiceover
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines

page down to see the answer:

the answer is: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania (DV)

This navaid is located at an airport in the U.S.A. which had
airline service a long time ago. 

It's about 50 miles away from an international airport.

The town/airport/navaid is named after the Pioneer who blazed a trail through the area in the 1700s.

The first name of a famous early 20th Century adventure writer from the city honors that Pioneer, who was his maternal great grandfather.

The city is located on a river canal, and displays a preserved lock. 

There also is a distinctive type of bridge over the confluence of two rivers, one of the few of its type in the U.S.

This quiz will be "easy" for some!

photo by Charlie Pyles/Air Pix Aviation Photos


Email your answers to

This month's winners:

Ed Pataky
James Hanson
Dale Gentry - Southwest
Adam Schweber - United Airlines
Mark Nashed - National Airlines
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines

Thanks for participating!  Page down for the correct answer.

the answer is Zanesville (ZZV), Ohio

This Navaid is near to the end of the single runway at this warm destination airport in the U.S., and has the same identifier, but a different name.
The name of the airport does not contain the name of the nearby city served, and the name of the VOR is the name of the county where it is located.
This airport was opened in the 1980s, and airline service was moved there from the previous smaller airport, which still exists.  
Only 22 years after it started operations, a new airline terminal was opened on the other side of the field, due to increased demand.


Emal your answer to:

Correct answers:

Jim Hanson - Cape Air
Mark Nashed - National Airlines
Kenneth Dechmerowski - National Airlines
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines
Ed Pataky
Connor Monson - Alaska Airlines
Joseph Chamberlain - UPS Airlines
David Sigel - UPS Airlines

For the answer, page down!

The answer is Lee County (RSW), Florida.

Thanks for participating!

This low altitude VOR is located in the Continental United States. 

It is named after the motto of the nearby city.

It has a different identifier than the airport which it serves (there is no ILS). 

That airport, which does not have airline service, is 85 nautical miles from a major airport, which has been a hub for two airlines, but is no longer.

This Navaid is near, and named after, a large U.S. city. 
Its identifier is also that of the nearby general aviation airport, which no longer has airline service,
having been moved to a new airport more than 50 years ago. 
A high level of bird activity in the area is a problem for aircraft. 

Photo courtesy David Stanley
(inspired by a photo in Classic Trains Magazine!)

Jan 2021

page down for the answer!

Correct Answers:
Dale Gentry- Southwest Airlines
Mark Nashed - National Airlines

The answer is Sacramento (SAC), California
Thanks for participating!