It’s named after the nearby small city whose name is a portmanteau, as it’s near a state border.
It’s actually closer to another small city, which is named for an ungulate. I think it should have used this name instead! Oddly, THEIR high school’s mascot is a horse. It probably works better that way.
This Navaid is part of an approach to a regional airport which has airline service to two hubs.
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correct answers:
Ethan St. Martin - United Airlines Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Darryl Flora - Endeavor Airlines Marvin Hood - United Airlines Ed McCoy - United Airlines John Barry Mary Nixon - Horizon Air
This Navaid is located within the United States, at an airport serving that state's capital, which has no airline service.
It's the name of an Arrival Procedure to the nearby large international airport, and is located just outside that airport's Class B airspace.
A product from here, using the highly regarded water supply, helped Dustin Hoffman “Graduate”
This quiz is dedicated to the memory of William "Guido" Hyler, FAA Airways Facilities electronics technician, US Navy Veteran and a "VOR Mentor" to Phil Brooks
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correct answers:
Ed McCoy - United Airlines Darryl Flora- Endeavor Air John Barry Ethan St. Martin - United Airlines Marvin Hood - United Airlines Tom Norwood Michael Vane Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Charles Cotton - Southwest Airlines Dan Dziedzic- United Airlines Jacqui Geraci - Delta Air Lines Mary Nixon - Horizon Air Joseph Chamberlain - UPS Airlines David Sigel
The answer is Olympia (OLM), Washington. Photo courtesy of Patrick Boyle
Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Ed Pataky Tom Norwood Marvin Hood - United Airlines John Barry Mike Vane Ben Hause - American Airlines Brian K. Brown - Southwest Airlines Adam Schweber - United Airlines
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the answer is Appleton (APE), near Columbus, Ohio.
Thanks again to Jim "JET" Thompson for driving me here from Bolton Field (KTZR)!
This month's navaid is in the United States. It previously was named after the nearby city, but was renamed (and given a different identifier) to avoid confusion with that city's airport. That city is known as a center of agricultural product processing. The VORTAC's name origin is unknown, but it is the plural form of a species of reptile.
Tom Norwood Patrick Malejana - United Airlines Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Charles Cotton - Southwest Airlines Darryl Flora - Endeavor Air Ethan St. Martin - United Airlines
Marvin B. Hood - United Airlines (in five minutes!) Tom Norwood Chuck Mann - United Airlines Dan Dziedzic - United Airlines Dale Gentry - Southwest Airlines Brandon Hortemiller - Empire Airlines
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The answer is Polo (PLL), Illinois. photo by Rich Chang- thanks again!